Do you offer symmetrical speeds?

We offer symmetrical speeds (meaning our upload to the internet is just as fast as our download), wherever the technology is available. The UK average for upload is even slower at 18.4 Mbps so we are up to 136 times faster on upload speed versus the UK average.

How fast is your Full Fibre broadband?

All our tariffs are multiple times faster than the UK average ensuring ultra-fast downloads, smooth streaming, and seamless online gaming. Our fastest broadband delivers speeds up to 2.2 Gbps (2,200 Mbps). This is 32x faster than the UK average of 69.4 Mbps (Ofcom, March 2023). Our 900 Mbps tariff is 13x faster than UK average, […]

What is Full Fibre broadband?

Full Fibre broadband is a high-speed internet connection that uses fibre-optic cables all the way from the exchange to your home. This provides faster and more reliable internet compared to traditional copper or hybrid connections.